FAQs estates and stewardship service

FAQs estates and stewardship service

If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please contact us on [email protected] or call 01952 898524.

All the roads in Lightmoor Village are built by the developers to plans agreed by Telford and Wrekin Council.  The majority of the roads around the development will be adopted by the Council and maintained by them.  Whilst each development phase is still under construction, and until the roads are handed over, maintenance is the responsibility of individual developers. We are/will be responsible for some access roads and will work with developers until roads are adopted. 

Street lighting will be adopted and maintained by Telford and Wrekin Council, although, whilst under construction, maintenance is the responsibility of the individual developer. We are responsible for the courtyard lighting and lights in some public open spaces. Courtyards maintained by us have plaques placed on lampposts and stickers placed on grit bins. If lighting is not our responsibility, we will raise this with a developer for you. You can find a plan of the areas here

There are many courtyards and shared areas in Lightmoor Village. When an area of the Village is finished and handed over, it becomes our responsibility to maintain. Until then, it remains the responsibility of a developer, although we have agreed to keep courtyards in those areas clean and tidy and to supply road salt. Courtyards maintained by us have plaques placed on a lamppost in each courtyard and stickers placed on grit bins. You can report any issues by calling us on 01952 898524 or email [email protected].

Lightmoor Village has many open spaces and parks for everyone to enjoy. We are responsible for the grounds maintenance of the majority of these areas, where the BVT Grounds Maintenance and Estate Caretaking Team do the work. Whilst the latest phases of the Village are being built, the landscaped areas are maintained by individual developers. When all the phases are complete, the areas will be handed over to either us or Telford and Wrekin Council. If there are any issues, you can report them by calling us on 01952 898524 or email [email protected] and we’ll speak with a developer for you.

All of the main roads around Lightmoor Village will be adopted by the Council when they are formally handed over by the developers. These roads will become public highways. Highways are the responsibility of the Police and Telford and Wrekin Council. Whilst we do not have any legal powers to control parking, we will always work with residents, the Police, and the Council to highlight problem areas and try to find a solution.

Until the roads and public open spaces are fully completed and adopted by the Council or handed over to us, neither we nor the Council can use legal powers. The Police also only have limited powers when the roads are not adopted.

During this time, we rely on the co-operation of residents to park with consideration at all times and use their designated parking spaces.

As part of the overall design of Lightmoor Village, there are many litter bins across the Village that will be installed by the developers. When these areas are complete, they will be handed over to either us or Telford and Wrekin Council, and we/they will be responsible for emptying them. Until the bins are handed over, each developer is responsible for emptying the bins. To ensure Lightmoor Village stays tidy, our estate caretakers will also empty bins if they are getting full.

We are responsible for ensuring the design and distinctive character of Lightmoor Village is maintained. To do this it is important we check any proposed alterations will not affect the character of the area or breach covenants included in your TP1 document.

If you are thinking about making an alteration, no matter how small, we advise you to contact our Estate Officer. They can answer your questions and address any concerns you may have, ensuring the application process goes smoothly. The application process can take up to six weeks and further details are available in the Lightmoor Village Design Guide.

If you would like to discuss an alteration, please contact us on 01952 898524 or email [email protected]

In most circumstances, yes. You will always require our consent and depending on the alteration you want to make, you may also need planning permission from Telford and Wrekin Council. ‘Permitted Development Rights’ have been removed from Lightmoor Village. Therefore, in a similar way to a conservation area, most alterations require planning permission.

We always advise that you seek advice from both Telford and Wrekin Council’s planning officers and us before making any alterations to your home.

Covenants are the legal agreements made between you, as a resident of Lightmoor Village, and Bournville Village Trust, as long-term stewards, when you signed a property transfer, lease or tenancy agreement.  

Covenants set out what is and isn’t allowed in relation to the design and appearance of the outside of your home and land within your boundaries, like your front garden for example. They also explain requirements for maintaining the appearance of your home. Full details can be found in your TP1 document, which was signed when you bought your home, or your BVT tenancy agreement.  If you rent your home from another housing provider or are privately renting, the covenants are covered in your landlords TP1.

As the long-term stewards, it is our responsibility to follow up any breaches and work with you to resolve them. Whilst we can take legal action, this is always a last resort. You can read our breach process in Lightmoor Village Design Guide  

If you are having problems with your TV reception during office hours (8.30am-4.30pm) please report it to 01952 898524 and at all other times, please call us on 0300 333 6540 to access our out of hours service.

If you have any issues or questions relating to your home, concerns about neighbours or our services, call us on 01952 898524 or email [email protected].

Estate checks involve our estate officer walking through each area of the Village and noting issues relating to open spaces, courtyards and breaches. We welcome you to join our estate officer on walkabouts and to discuss any concerns you may have.

Can’t make a walkabout? You can arrange a meeting with our estates officer to suit you, including evenings and weekends (when booked in advance). During office hours you can call 01952 898524 or email [email protected]

We are the long-term stewards of Lightmoor Village, further information about this can be found on our estates and stewardship page, and residents pay a management charge to us so we are able to maintain Lightmoor Village and help build a strong and inclusive community. Our services include:

  • Estate caretakers – keeping courtyards and communal areas within our responsibility clean and green
  • Estate officer services – providing support in a number of areas including advice for alterations, resolving breaches and carrying out checks throughout the village
  • Community activities – building partnerships with local organisations and residents to build a strong and inclusive community
  • Communications – providing regular, up-to-date communications about Lightmoor Village.