Lightmoor Village Estate Management Committee
Estates and stewardship services are overseen by the Lightmoor Village Estate Management Committee, which is resident led.
The Lightmoor Village Estate Management Committee (LVEMC) is a resident-led committee and is responsible for overseeing the work of BVT’s estates and stewardship services in the Village.
The committee is responsible for:
- Considering and recommending the annual budget for the Stewardship Charge.
- Approving an annual service plan which prioritises plans and projects.
- Approving the annual planned maintenance programme.
- Being involved in the regular review and recommending approvals to amendments to the design guide.
- Receiving quarterly financial reports on expenditure against budget, estate management activities, community engagement and local partnership working and development in Lightmoor Village.
- Receive and reach decisions on alteration appeals against the Lightmoor Village Design Guide.
Members of the committee attend formal meetings four times a year and project group meetings eight times a year. There are also opportunities to join other sub-groups such as the Communications Panel, Green Gang and Events Group, depending on your interests.
If you would like to speak to someone about the committee, please call 01952 898524 or email [email protected]
Photograph shows: (l-r) Jordan Taylor, Chair of LVEMC, Pete Jones, Vice-Chair of LVEMC