
Lightmoor Village Estate Management Committee

Estates and stewardship services are overseen by the Lightmoor Village Estate Management Committee, which is resident led.

The Lightmoor Village Estate Management Committee (LVEMC) is a resident-led committee and is responsible for overseeing the work of BVT’s estates and stewardship services in the Village.

The committee is responsible for:

  • Considering and recommending the annual budget for the Stewardship Charge.
  • Approving an annual service plan which prioritises plans and projects.
  • Approving the annual planned maintenance programme.
  • Being involved in the regular review and recommending approvals to amendments to the design guide.
  • Receiving quarterly financial reports on expenditure against budget, estate management activities, community engagement and local partnership working and development in Lightmoor Village.
  • Receive and reach decisions on alteration appeals against the Lightmoor Village Design Guide.

Members of the committee attend formal meetings four times a year and project group meetings eight times a year. There are also opportunities to join other sub-groups such as the Communications Panel, Green Gang and Events Group, depending on your interests.

If you would like to speak to someone about the committee, please call 01952 898524 or email [email protected]

Photograph shows: (l-r) Jordan Taylor, Chair of LVEMC, Pete Jones, Vice-Chair of LVEMC

Jordan has lived in the Village since 2019. He decided to become a committee member after he was involved in a campaign regarding the plan to have a through road between The Bache and Doseley. Jordan and other residents were instrumental in seeing the decision overturned and preventing further issues that would have frustrated residents.

One of Jordan’s highlights is seeing the formation of a dedicated BVT Estates and Stewardship team for Lightmoor. The Village has grown tremendously over the years and needs its own team to give it the attention it needs. Jordan brings an array of skills not least being able to chair the committee and liaise with BVT on a regular LVEMC basis to support all residents in achieving a Village everybody is proud to live in.

Peter has lived in Lightmoor since 2006 and has been both a BVT tenant and now homeowner. He is vice chair of the committee and is also the current Chair of Governors at Lightmoor Village Primary School.

Now retired, Peter has over 40 years’ experience working in the public sector as well as supporting various communities in voluntary roles. Peter brings with him a vast array of experience and says he’s looking forward to working with the committee and BVT to ensure the Village is a happy, safe and proud place to live.

Louise has lived in Lightmoor Village for over seven years, originally from Wolverhampton, she first visited a friend in the area and fell in love. Now married with a young family, Louise said it’s been an amazing experience living in the Village and she loves the community spirit.

Louise works for the NHS and is passionate about ensuring voices are heard. She has been a member of the committee for the past year and is looking forward to playing a more active role, bringing her skillset to the role and making a difference for everyone in the Village. She wants to ensure that everyone is supported and included, whether it’s young families or retired residents at Bournville House.

Wendy has lived in Lightmoor for almost 10 years and immediately got involved by taking part in resident meetings and social events. Wendy works as a teaching assistant at Lightmoor Village Primary School and spent five years volunteering as a leader with Rainbows, Brownies, and Guides in the Village.

Passionate about Lightmoor Village, Wendy is determined to achieve value for money from BVT and to make the Village the best it can be by utilising the community and encouraging more residents to get involved.

Beth has lived in Lightmoor Village for five years, having been brought up in Little Dawley, spending her late teens in Birmingham before moving to London. Beth never thought she’d return to Telford but after having a family realised the benefits of living in a village.

Beth has been on the committee for the past year and is also the current secretary of the Lightmoor Primary School PTA. As a primary school teacher, Beth understands the importance of feeling part of a community and wants to build on this and work with BVT to ensure the Village square is the hub of Lightmoor.


The Lightmoor Village Estate Management Committee will oversee Stewardship Service at the Bournville Village Trust Lightmoor Village site in line with relevant Group Policies.


2.1 Chair

The Chair of the Committee will be a Lightmoor Village Resident and appointed by the Committee for a term of two years, being eligible for a two-year term thereafter.  In exceptional circumstances, a one year term can be served.  A minimum of two years should then elapse before the retiring Chair is eligible for reappointment to this post.


There will be a maximum of 11 members, made up as follows:

8 residents (selected through a process where all charge payers have the opportunity to participate) ideally a resident representative from each phase of development including Bournville House.

2 BVT Executive Team members

1 representative from each of the parish councils

1 member of this Committee, a Lightmoor Village resident (excluding Executive members and parish representatives) shall be nominated by the Committee to join the Telford Estates and Development Committee. For a minimum term of 12 months.


Members shall have the right to appoint Co-opted Members to the Committee. A maximum of three Co-opted Members can be appointed at any time.

Co-opted committee members will not be eligible to vote.


The Committee shall meet four times each year, or more frequently at such intervals as may be determined by the Chair.


The quorum for this Committee shall be 3 residents and 1 Executive Team member.


Any member of the Committee absent for two consecutive meetings without leave of absence given by the Committee Chair. The Chair will contact the member to discuss their absence. At the following Committee meeting the members decide about the person’s membership.


In the event of a tied vote, the Chair may cast the deciding vote.  All issues shall be decided by a straight majority.

Co-optees are not eligible to vote.


The Secretary to the Committee shall be the Director of Communities or other designated BVT Officer.


In addition to the Executive Team Committee ,Members other members of the Executive Team or other Senior Managers may be invited to attend all or part of particular meetings.


Committee members shall not receive any remuneration for their services but will be paid expenses incurred in the execution of their duties.


The Board of Trustees retains the power to terminate the appointment of any Member of the Committee, after consultation with the Committee, or immediately upon the advice of the Company Secretary should BVT’s “Code of Conduct” or any other Trust policy, terms of reference and other relevant standard directive, regulation, constitution or legislation be breached.


The Committee shall carry out an annual review of these Terms of Reference and a review ts own effectiveness and recommend any necessary changes to the Board of Trustees.


 3.1 The Committee is responsible for implementing Trust policy, recommending changes the policy to the Board of Trustees or relevant BVT Committee and the monitoring of performance for those areas of work delegated by the Board of Trustees as set out below in Principal Functions.

3.2 The Committee is responsible for conducting business in accordance with any written instructions or guidelines imposed by the Board of Trustees.

3.3 The Committee shall where necessary authorise the Chair and/or other Member(s) of the Committee to liaise directly with Executive Officers to deal with matters requiring urgent action/decision within the remit of these Terms of Reference.

3.4 The Committee shall not incur additional expenditure on behalf of the Trustee body, which cannot be accommodated within the overall budget approved by the Board of Trustees without the consent of the Trustee body.

3.5 Any matters that cannot be resolved satisfactorily by the Committee under its Terms of Reference shall be referred to the Board of Trustees whose decision shall be final and binding.


 The principal functions of the Lightmoor Village Estate Management Committee shall be as follows:

 4.1 Consider and propose the annual budget to the Telford Estates & Development Committee.

4.2 Develop & recommend approval of an Annual Service Plan (setting out KPI targets and improvement actions).

4.3 Develop and recommend approval of the annual planned maintenance programme.

4.4 Develop and recommend approval amendments to the Design Guides.

4.5 Develop and recommend approval of new policies or amendments to existing policies.

4.6 Receive a quarterly financial report on expenditure against budget.

4.7 Receive and approve a quarterly report on Estate Management activities.

4.8 Receive and approve a quarterly report on Community Engagement and local partnership working.

4.9 Receive a quarterly update on development in Lightmoor Village.

4.10 Receive and reach a decision on appeals against the implementation of the Design Guide.

4.11 Support the development of the overall vision for Lightmoor Village, proposing changes or new activities to ensure that the vision is achieved.


4.12    The following list is not exhaustive and is to be read in conjunction with the Principal Functions set out above.

4.13    To review the performance of the Teams reporting to the Committee through internal audit and performance reports where appropriate/available, setting performance targets as appropriate.

 4.14    To consider proposed and current legislation and its impact on the BVT’s work covering the areas under the remit of the Committee.

 4.15    To ensure that current risks that fall under its principal functions are being effectively managed, considering emerging risks and understanding the risks presented by new opportunities and how these can be managed and/or mitigated.

4.16    To ensure that Value for Money is monitored and is an integral part of all decision-making in line with BVT’s Value for Money Strategy.


When the Committee discusses any matter which poses a conflict of interest for any member or employee present, that person should declare an interest. If the conflict is clear and substantial, the Committee member should offer to withdraw and, if invited to remain, refrain from voting on the matter.


Draft minutes shall be reported to the next meeting of the Telford Estates and Development Committee and shall be formally approved by the Committee at its next meeting.