Local contacts
ABC Day Nursery Bournville House
Tel: 01952 502572 Tel: 0121 667 1028
Tel: 0300 333 6540 BVT Housing
Tel: 01952 613 577 GreenSquare Accord
Oak Tree Community Centre
- Phone – 01952 567 417
- Email – oaktreecentre@bvt.org.uk
Lightmoor Village Primary School
- Phone – 01952 387 620
- Email – Lightmoorpri.admin@taw.org.uk
The Local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team
- Non-emergency number – 101
- Email – dm.snt@westmercia.pnn.police.uk
The Gorge Parish Council
- Phone – 01952 883 192
- Email – clerk@thegorgeparishcouncil.gov.uk
Dawley Hamlets Parish Council
- Phone – 07941 212 311
- Email – clerk@dawley-hamlets.org
Bournville Bistro
Cafe located within Bournville House, open to the public 8.30am until 1.45pm for breakfast and lunch.
Pre-order by calling 0121-667-1023 or pop in.