Covenants and breaches

Covenants and breaches

When you buy or rent a home in Lightmoor Village, you sign a document called a TP1 or tenancy agreement. This details what you can and can’t do to the outside of your home and within its boundaries. These rules are called covenants and they are legally binding and enforceable.

Covenants only apply to the outside of your home and land within your boundary lines. As the long-term stewards of Lightmoor Village, it’s our responsibility to ensure covenants are not broken.

Further details of Lightmoor Village’s covenants can be found in the Lightmoor Village Design Guide, which is a document that outlines what can and can’t be done to your home/land.

As the long-term stewards of Lightmoor Village, we are required to ensure covenants are not broken. If covenants are breached, it can lead to legal action. This may mean any work that has been done externally to your home or to land within your boundary has to be undone and you may be faced with a fine, damages and legal fees.  Legal action is always a last resort and we want to work with residents to avoid this. If you need advice on making a change to your home, please get in touch before you start any alteration work. You can do this by calling 01952 898524 or emailing [email protected]

Breaches happen if a covenant isn’t followed, for example when an unauthorised alteration to your home or land has been made.

Full details about Lightmoor Village’s covenants can be found in the Lightmoor Village Design Guide.

Examples of breaches include:

• Alterations made without completing our application process
• Not keeping gardens up to the required standard
• Displaying unauthorised signage
• Bins being visible from the road
• Anti-social behaviour
• Unauthorised businesses being run from a home
• Satellite dish visible from the road
• Caravan/boat or trailer on driveway.

As well as the legal action mentioned above, any unresolved breaches can cause delays in selling your home.

Our estate officer regularly walks around the Village noting issues relating to open spaces, courtyards and speaking to residents about concerns they have about breaches. They also note any breaches they see and contact residents to raise these. Our estates officer completes an inspection log during each visit, which not only includes issues they have spotted relating to landscaping, courtyards and fly tipping but also any breaches relating to unauthorised alterations, satellite dishes and bins. Further details about the covenants are available on our What are Covenants page.