
Gritting and snow-plough services

Posted on: 09 Mar 23

All residents contribute as part of their stewardship charge towards the provision of weather-related services needed to keep the roads in Lightmoor Village as accessible as possible. Although we always ask residents to be mindful of the conditions and stay at home if advised.

BVT Lightmoor Village retain a contractor who will automatically provide snowploughing and gritting services when the need arises, they use up to date technology to factor when. With the current weather, they first went out on the evening of Wednesday 8th March and have been multiple times since.  They will continue to visit as required. After being contacted by residents in Castle Gardens, we have now added them to the route and are contacting the developers who are due to put in grit bins.

There are over 50 grit bins in courtyards around the Village and our team are co-ordinating requests relating to the bins that need refilling. You can contact the team on 01952 898524 or email [email protected] to advise.

Please remember during prolonged snow fall especially on residential roads it’s common for snow to take a considerably longer time to break down and melt and although grit will aid this, it isn’t an instant remedy, and it will have limited benefits placing on top of snow that has already fallen.

Also remember for grit to be effective in courtyards snow must be cleared first. Please try not to waste grit by putting it on top of fresh snow.

Did you know?

It’s the road surface temperature and whether the road is wet or dry that determines what grit treatment is needed – not the air temperature. Even on cold days roads may have retained enough heat for treatments not to be necessary.

Gritting main purpose is to prevent ice forming and will not melt snow.

Spreading grit on the road is only the start of the de-icing process, movement of salt around the road by traffic is essential to complete the process.

Cars parked on roads can cause hazards in normal circumstances but in weather conditions such as this, it can make it harder for snow ploughs to attend as well as making in dangerous for other vehicle users.