BVT homes maintenance programme
Posted on: 19 Jun 24
Following our recent post regarding the changes to door colours (for details check out BVT owned homes have a maintenance programme which includes the painting of doors. These have started to take place and the process is as follows:
- Doors and woodwork are sanded down, an undercoat applied, followed by one top gloss coat. If it’s a colour change, sometimes two top coats are needed. Where the finish is opague, this is one undercoat and two top coats and a third will be applied if necessary
- Residents are notified when painting is taking place but this is weather dependent as they cannot paint in the rain. If it rains later on the same day its been painted and it gets damaged, it will be corrected.
- Once painting has been completed, the area should be left tidy and any paint on windows scrapped away.
If you have any issues relating to the painting of your home, please let us know immediately so we can get it corrected. You can either pop into the BVT office in the Oak Tree Community Centre or email [email protected]